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Female Showing Round Breasts Under White TankHuntington Beach women who want to improve their silhouette by making changes to their breasts, often find themselves confused as to whether or not they should have a breast lift or a breast augmentation. After all, these two procedures “seem” very similar to many people. However, there are stark differences between the two, and because Dr. Vu values patient education, this blog will discuss how you can know which option is best for you.

Dr. Vu is the founder of California Aesthetic Center, where he provides comprehensive treatment and plastic surgery to men and women from all over California. He is dedicated to providing personalized, outstanding care to every patient. His practice is AAAASF-accredited, and his staff is highly trained with a commitment to achieving the aesthetic and reconstructive goals of those in his care.

What is The Difference between a breast lift and a Breast augmentation?

As we mentioned above, a breast lift and breast augmentation are not one and the same. They differ greatly:

Breast Lift

The goal of a breast lift is to raise the breasts by removing excess skin and fat and tightening the breast tissue to reshape and provide better support and contour of the breasts. This surgery does not provide Huntington Beach women with larger breasts, just perkier breasts. Results vary from patient to patient but are dramatic and often life-changing.

The breast lift procedure has grown by 70% in the last decade, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Reasons women seek out this cosmetic procedure vary, but one of the most common reasons is to restore their figure to a more youthful silhouette. Women with smaller breasts benefit most from a breast lift procedure.

Ideal breast lift candidates will be in good general and psychological health, over the age of 18, have realistic expectations for their surgery, and be non-smokers. Women who plan to breastfeed in the future should be sure to tell Dr. Vu during their initial consultation so he can take every precaution to avoid cutting through milk ducts.

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is a cosmetic surgical procedure used to increase the size of a woman’s breasts. It is also the most popular procedure performed at Dr. Vu’s Huntington Beach office. To increase the size and fullness of a woman’s breasts, Dr. Vu surgically places silicone or saline breast implants of the desired size under the chest muscles of the breasts to give his patients the look and curves they want.

Women in Huntington Beach often choose breast augmentation for cosmetic reasons. Others choose this procedure in order to improve their self-image and feel more confident in themselves. However, there are many women who choose to have breast augmentation for reconstructive reasons after cancer treatment or for other medical reasons.

Ideal breast augmentation candidates will be over the age of 22, be in good general and psychological health, have realistic expectations for their surgery, and be non-smokers.

What if I Need A Breast Augmentation With Lift?

Now that you know the difference between the two procedures, it’s important to point out that women who desire to have their breasts repositioned through a breast lift, can incorporate a breast augmentation at the same time in order to increase the size of their breasts. In fact, this is a very common breast combination surgery that Dr. Vu performs at California Aesthetic Center.

The best thing you can do to determine how you can get the results you’re looking for is to make an appointment to see Dr. Vu for a one-on-one consultation.

Contact his office in Huntington Beach today at (714) 848-1133 to schedule your appointment or to ask any questions you have about either procedure.

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