Patient 31
Patient 32
Patient 33
Patient 34
Patient 35
Patient is a 38-year-old female. She is 4’ 11” and weighs 91 lbs. Her bra size before surgery was a 32A cup. She wanted to be enhanced to a 32C cup size. She received a bilateral breast augmentation with Allergan Natrelle 295 cc silicone implants. The pre-operative and post-operative photos were taken 10 months apart.
Patient 36
Patient is a 29-year-old, 5’ 2” female. She received a breast augmentation with Mentor Smooth Round Moderate Profile Saline implants. Her left breast was larger than her right breast before implants. The saline implants were filled to 425 cc for the left implant and 450 cc for the right implant. The pre-operative and post-operative photos were taken 3 months apart.